Sunday, April 10, 2016

Kent State UXD Program- UXD in Practice Reflective Journaling Week 3

This week I was fortunate to come across the book Make It So Nathan Shedroff.  His book is a really interesting read on how science fiction has impacted current day design.  The thought that science fiction as a result of suspending reality can create innovative designs is fascinating topic.

Nathan also has a series of videos on Lynda called "Nathan Shedroff on Design Strategy and the Merging of Business and Design".  His conversation on how those in the business world and those in the design world have to come together to create effective and innovative solutions was fantastic.  You can check out the preview (1st episode) if you don't have a Lynda Account here.

If I lived closer to Nathan's graduate school program I would definitely do my best to attend.  The program is a great mix of business knowledge and design knowledge at the California College of the Arts.  The information on the Lynda web site is a great site for those that want to take their design knowledge and gain a better understanding of how business and design can effectively combine.

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