Sunday, April 22, 2018

Kent State UXD Program- Interaction Design Journaling Week 5

I have been reading an interesting book by the Author Dan Pink called 
When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing.  The book can be found here

The book partly describes the science behind the part of the brain called the suprachiasmatic nucleus.  Science has recently this part of the brain helps drive our body's internal clock.  If this science continues to show promise think now that your web site or App may have to function differently at certain times of the day.  So far the science says about a certain number of hours after you wake up you sort of hit a lag.  The lag is essentially your body's internal clock showing its performance slowdown.  In last weeks post I shared a lot of user experience design is about time and space.  In this case we are talking about the space we use to perform and the time that sometimes indicate that we are not at our best at certain times of the day.   

One of the UX applications of this new found science is how many bad searches at certain times of the day.  If people are not performing at their best then its likely to propose that those doing the searching may be at fault not because of the design but because they are hitting the performance lag I indicated.

It is a fascinating book that if shown to be really true will completely change the way we think of designing for our audiences.  

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